I imagine you have noticed Callosum is swirling with excitement around Count Me In and their commitment to growing women-owned businesses. I have just returned from the San Francisco conference and would like to share my favorite take-aways. Enjoy!

• “You can have it all, if you don’t do it all. “ Nell Merlino (delegate, out-source, focus on what you’re good at)
• “Audacious thinking is encouraged.” ~ Participant.
• “Work is love made visible.” ~ The Profit
• “Count Me In has lit the corner. Follow the light.” ~ Libby Ladu
• Best gift: a month of a virtual assistant. ~ Cheryl B. Walker-Robertson
• “This train can’t stop. It’s the course that keeps it going. It’s not about me.” ~Loral Langmeier
• Entrepreneurs are not only building business. We are feeding families by hiring employees.
• FLAT is the new UP in this economy.
• There is no shame in wanting your business to make a million dollars. There is a misconception that men become powerful with money and yet women’s feminity diminishes. False!
• “Be an engine of change.” ~ Nell Merlino

Clare Hefferren

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