Insights to ladies fashion for Autumn 2011: When my Boden catalog arrives it brings me an instant smile. Boden is a British women’s, men’s and kids apparel and accessory line with a loving grip on life and a kindness to their customer base. Boden is more than smiling models; it’s a brand of genuine-ness. The flavor of fun is in the “cockle-warming” colors, the details (fabulous linings) and the words (“Help you bloom through the gloom”) used to describe the pieces.

In a world of information overload, 24/7 instantaneous mentality and a culture where black is chic, I find color refreshing. When a rainy day comes, I put on my bright colors and bring sunshine with me to wash away the gloom. The Autumn catalog has a special insert that invited me to get to know ‘Boden’ the brand – values, personality and spunkThey want me to know:

  • They make quality clothes that are designed to last – Imagine that, they don’t disintegrate after two washings.
  • They love color – me too!
  • Detail is everything – Like wearing a pretty undergarment, Boden makes sure the details take you away from being lost in a sea of bland.
  • They love to fly their flag (in a quirky way!) – stripes, polka dots, over-the-top Brit
  • They use natural ingredients – wool, cashmere
  • They have humans answer your call – and they’re British! I could call just to listen to the accent, couldn’t you?
  • I’m allowed to change my mind – hassle free shipping.

Who’s buying Bodent? When I think of my clientele’s personal brand and the lifestyle they want to convey, Boden pieces pop out at me. Kim’s Clever Prep would scoop up thepolka dots and live in the Brit blazers. Trish’s Clean Sophisticate style appreciates the textured pencil skirts and would twist my arm to allow her to buy TWO silk fitted blouses(great investment pieces, but duplicates are a no-no).  Cathy’s Easy Chic would snatch theleopard rhinestone flats to snaz up her khakis while keeping up with the kids. Rosalyn’sActive Classical Cape is always a wee chilly and would be fashionably snug in a longcardigan.


What’s my pick of the season? The parade coat is simply stunning. Great quality, esteemed details and on-trend yet timeless – and yes, it’s available in a perfect color for my skin palette.

Boden Tagline: “Squeeze the day.” I love it! When I close the final page, I feel I’ve been given a bear hug with a feast of Boden joy.

Visit What’s your favorite? Ask us to show you how to integrate Boden Brit style into your current wardrobe.

Clare Hefferren

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