Archive for November 2008
crunch time
leadership presence tip: Post-Thanksgiving. It’s crunch time – literally + figuratively. After 3 pie slices, sit-ups are in order. As we tighten our financial belts, many turn to consider job stability. Is there anything you can do to increase stability? Consider the way your present yourself. Is it representing you and your company appropriately? Does it distract from…
Read Moreonce in a lifetime
leadership presence tip: 3 seconds. Go! Stop! We’ve made up our mind and we’re sticking to it. Do you leave a great first impression? Suggestions: Be on time. Turn off your cell phone. Present yourself in appropriate attire for setting and audience. Prepare a little small talk to break the ice. Make eye contact and listen. Keep posture in mind.…
Read Morean amazing tool | nov 14, 2008
wardrobe tip: We’d like to share a tool we use with wardrobe consulting clients – Polyvore. Remember playing paper dolls? This site allows user to create ‘fashion sets’ of apparel and accessories from live online retailers. After creating set we email it to client. It’s link-friendly ie. shows where each piece came from and the price. Based…
Read Moreleader dna
leadership presence tip: Do you have a desire to lead? Being an effective leader takes motivation and ongoing hard work to keep skill set sharp. These skills are easily taught but more importantly, is it your desire? Curious if you have leader DNA in you? Take this assessment and share your thoughts. Click here.
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