Posts Tagged ‘etiquette tip’
Dining Disposition
business etiquette tip: Join me for dinner? Company, client and associate dinners are a common in today’s business world. Everything from the drinks you order to how you handle the check can gain or lose you a potential client or employee. When you are the invited party, your order represents a level of respect and…
Read MoreEmail Angst
business etiquette tip: A slippery slope of casual email correspondence leaves communication less formal and consequently less professional. An outward-facing touch point, email leaves an impression with your customer/vendor. Is yours a brand asset or hinderance? Mistakes include: leaving subject line empty, incomplete footer, emoticons, unwarranted urgent flag, and long threads. While email tone may be difficult…
Read MoreEasing Name Tag Strain
An etiquette tip: When attending an event requiring a nametag, place your name tag on your upper right shoulder area. As you newly greet an individual standard protocol is to shake right hands. Positioning your tag on the right will place it in direct eye alignment of the viewer during the shake. No more awkward…
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